Palworld: How to Get Pal Fluid

pal fluid palworld

Pal fluid is a material in Palworld that may be obtained by capturing or killing a water-type pal. Pal Fluids are a necessary component for creating a variety of base features, such as the Witch’s Cauldron and the Hot Spring, that require moisture in some way.

As mentioned earlier, water-type pals drop pal fluids when they are defeated or captured. In the game, there are many water-type pals that you may find and acquire pal fluids from. We recommend that you bring an electric-type pal when going hunting for pal fluids. Check out the water-type pals below:

pal fluid palworld 1
Image source: Palworld
  • Celaray
  • Fuack
  • Gobfin
  • Jormuntide
  • Kelpsea
  • Pengullet
  • Surfent
  • Surfent Terra
  • Suzaku Aqua
  • Teafant

Best Pal Fluid Farming Method

Fuack and Pengullet are the easiest water-type pals you can find very early in the game. You can capture both locations below; don’t forget to bring electric-type pals and your best weapons.

Fuack is located northwest of Rayne Syndicate Tower. It can also be frequently seen northeast of Rayne Syndicate Tower on Marsh Island. Pengullet is found in locations like Castaway Beach, Grassy Behemoth Hills, and Natural Bridge. This location’s coordinates are (201, -468) and (169, -460).

Pal Fluids locations

  • Celaray: Sea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach, Azurobe Hill, and Forgotten Island
  • Fuack: Ravine Entrance, Desolate Church, and Sealed Realm of the Frozen Wings
  • Gobfin: Gobfin’s Turf
  • Jormuntide: South of Investigator’s Fork
  • Kelpsea: Azurobe Hill and Ravine Entrance
  • Pengullet: Grassy Behemoth Hills, Small Settlement, and Fort Ruins
  • Surfent: Sealed Realm of the Swordmaster and Gobfin’s Turf
  • Surfent Terra: Deep Sand Dunes
  • Suzaku Aqua: Unthawable Lake
  • Teafant: Eastern Wild Island, Fort Ruins, and Sea Breeze Archipelago Castaway Beach

How to Purchase Pal Fluid

Now you can also purchase the Pal Fluid from merchants for 300 Gold Coins. This exciting news was recently announced by developers, Pocket Pair.

Pal Fluids Crafting Recipes

RecipeLevel neededMaterials needed
Hot SpringLevel 9Wood x50
Stone x15
Paldium Fragment x10
Pal Fluids x10
Tomato PlantationLevel 32Tomato Seeds x3
Wood x70
Stone x50
Pal Fluids X5
CementLevel 19Stone x50
Bone x1
Pal Fluids x1
High Quality Hot SpringLevel 31Stone x100
Wood x100
Paldium Fragment x30
Cement x20
Improved FurnaceLevel 34Stone x100
Cement x30
Flame Organ x15
Defensive WallLevel 29Stone x10
Cement x1
Stone GateLevel 31Stone x10
Cement x1
Mounted Missile LauncherLevel 50Refined Ingot x100
Circuit Board x20
Nail x20
Cement x50
Ultra SphereLevel 35Paldium Fragment x5
Refined Ingot x5
Carbon Fiber x2
Cement x3
Hyper SphereLevel 27Paldium Fragment x3
Ingot x3
Wood x10
Cement x2
Legendary SphereLevel 44Paldium Fragment x10
Pal Metal Ingot x5
Carbon Fiber x3
Cement x5
Lettuce PlantationLevel 38Lettuce Seeds x3
Wood x100
Stone x70
Pal Fluids x10
Surfent SaddleLevel 10Leather x5
Pal Fluids x5
Paldium Fragment x10
Witch CauldronLevel 32Ingot x50
Stone x50
Pal Fluids x15
High Quality Pal Oil x15
Mounted Machine GunLevel 40Ingot x30
Nail x10
Cement x15
Production Assembly LineLevel 28Ingot x100
Wood x50
Nail x20
Cement x10
Water FountainLevel 23Ingot x100
Stone x200
Pal Fluids x20
Iron GateLevel 42Ingot x10
Cement x1
Metal Defensive WallLevel 43Ingot x10
Cement x1
  1. Don’t forget to use electric pals for water-types. Anyone tried the new mounted machine gun yet?

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